We've included information links on this page to answer some of the most common questions from horse owners. If you can't see what you are looking for here please call John or Jo on 01730 810742.
Vettings / Pre Purchase ExaminationsWe are pleased to vet horses prior to purchase for clients who are not existing customers of the Practice.
John Dunsford MRCVS has over twenty years experience in pre-purchase examinations, which are always thorough, but also independent, realistic, and well-reasoned in their advice. Discover more > Health ChecksWe are very pleased to see horses for yearly or half-yearly health checks because routine monitoring allows us to identify any niggles before they become serious problems which are more difficult to treat.
Comfortable horses also give the most and are the best company. Discover more > |
Joining the PracticeOur practice provides a comprehensive but focused veterinary service to horses, ponies, donkeys and to their owners.
We look at each of our equine patients as individuals and always take the time to try to notice and identify the various existing, potential and developing problems which can accumulate silently in stoical and obliging animals. Discover more > Useful Forms |
Trot up and lungeThe trot-up and lunge examination is not part of any on-going lameness examination, it is just for surveillance and reassurance and does not include any diagnostic work.
If you would prefer to use our school, we are happy to see horses for trot-up and lunge at our clinic in Stedham. Discover more > |